
  • WHEREAMI v2.0 - update

    WARNING Since Heroku transitioned to a paid model, the availability of the app has been affected, and it is no longer accessible. I am currently exploring alternative options to find a viable solution in light of Heroku’s transition to a paid service. I am seeking ways to make the app...

  • Forge [HTB]

    Introduction Forge is a HackTheBox machine (Medium difficulty) that focuses on SSRF. Initial enumeration First, as always, lets start with nmap. ➜ nmap -sV -sT -sC Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-12-05 14:24 WET Nmap scan report for forge.htb ( Host is up (0.037s latency). Not shown:...

  • Project -- WHEREAMI

    Introduction: One day me and my friends were on discord and we wanted to play GeoGuessr. But sadly, we had to use the free version, and that was no fun. So I came up with an idea: build my own geoguessr. And that was when my GeoGuessr alternative (WHEREAMI) was...